MOVIES ARE TOO SHORT: Reviving the Intermission
Yo, today’s episode is honestly just an opinion piece about why I think that the Intermission DESERVES to be brought back, and why I think it would be a great addition to the future of cinema. While the episode isn’t to be taken ENTIRELY literally, there are a lot of points there that I’d like to convey to you. Below, I’ve included the 2 sources. I hope you find the episode entertaining! Please, also, if you get the chance, if you’re on Spotify, it would mean a lot to me if you could fill in the poll for this episode and let me know what you thought of it!
How to Start a Cinema - By the ICO or the Independent Cinema Office.
Contains information and stats about profits and revenue for Cinemas, cinema-goers, and other interesting information about the logistics of cinema operation.
Are New Movies Longer Than They Were 10, 20, 50 Year Ago - By Przemysław Jarząbek, published on Medium.
The Medium Article that inspired this episode, scraped the average run times of all the films on IMDb. Long and technical, and even more interesting nonetheless.